Burger queen Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria spent the day working behind a fast food counter in Texas.

The 'Desperate Housewives' star stunned customers at her hometown burger joint Wendy's - where she worked as a teenager - by getting behind the till to help promote Father's Day Frosty Weekend.

A customer at the Corpus Christi franchise said: "It was quite surreal to see a Hollywood star behind the counter but she was really friendly and fitted right in."

The event donates 50 cents to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Wendy's Wonderful Kids for every frosty sold.

Eva - who happily posed for photographs with customers - was employed by Wendy's for three years, from 1991 to 1994.

Meanwhile, it was recently reportedly Eva is desperate to have a baby with husband Tony Parker.

The actress is said to be so intent on having children that she has even threatened to leave her basketball player husband unless he gives in to her demands.

A source close to the couple said: "Tony isn't ready for a baby. He's much younger than Eva and at the top of his profession, while Eva is in her 'baby prime' as she calls it. She even threatened to leave him twice before he agreed."